Description of Item 165B (Bra Clasps)

The item to be examined was observed by us to be locked inside a transparent tube with a red top, contained in turn in small sealed bag [bustina sigillata], of transparent plastic, of the State Police.

We emphasize, moreover, that — as shown photographically — multiple components of dark-red color were present, scattered throughout the inside of the tube, both at the bottom and near the closing top.

There were two clasps, both lacking grommets [senza l’occhiello di tenuta della controparte], with extended parts of red-brownish color, others of reddish color; whiteish elements were also partially in evidence.

One of the clasps was recognizable in its original form, with the characteristic square upon which the corresponding round-edged hook is sewn; the other no longer had any kind of shape, as it was so completely deformed as to have been inserted into the first [clasp], with which it was partially fused due to the presence of rust; separation of the two elements would involve the fragmentation of certain rusted components.

Next: Laboratory Analysis of Item 165B